Pear-Shaped Puffball Mushrooms

I was excited to see a new mushroom so we picked them to save in case we found out later they were edible. They are indeed edible, but... make sure you eat them fast.  We kept our overnight in a paper bag and they went to spore but the next morning.
Self-healing mushroom grain jar caps

What are Pear-Shaped Puffball

My wife spotted a few of these for the first time at Linn Run State Park.  I was excited to see a new mushroom so we picked them to save in case we found out later they were edible. They are indeed edible, but… make sure you eat them fast.  We kept our overnight in a paper bag and they went to spore but the next morning.

Once they go to spore, they aren’t palatable. From what I understand they are super bitter.

Lycoperdon Pyriforme

AKA: Gem Studded Puffballs, Pear-Shaped Puffball Mushrooms

Foraging for Wild Mushrooms in Pennsylvania: What You Need to Know

Learn where to legally forage wild mushrooms in Pennsylvania, how to avoid toxic look-alikes, and key safety tips. This guide covers laws, common edible mushrooms, and best practices to help you forage safely and responsibly.

How to make mushroom grain jar lids

When growing mushrooms using grain jars, the lid setup plays a crucial role in maintaining sterility while allowing for proper gas exchange. Standard jar lids can be modified or replaced with specialized lids designed for mushroom cultivation.

Mushroom Growing Naming Convention

As I continue to ramp up my mushroom growing endeavors, I am finding that I need to take better notes on my batches from the creation of the substrate to the inoculation and grow room.  To help with this, I am coming up with a naming convention for my grow outs and thought I would share it with everyone.

7 Amazing Wild Mushrooms in PA

Pennsylvania is home to an incredible variety of wild mushrooms. Whether you’re a forager, a nature lover, or just curious about fungi, you’ll find plenty of interesting and useful mushrooms in the forests, fields, and even your own backyard. Here are seven amazing wild mushrooms that grow in PA, along with tips on how to identify them.

Laetiporus Sulphureus – Chicken of the Woods

Chicken of the Woods is an awesome mushroom that has the texture of chicken and can really take on the flavor of the dish you are preparing.



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