
Mushroom Growing Naming Convention

Mushroom Growing Naming Convention

As I continue to ramp up my mushroom growing endeavors, I am finding that I need to take better notes on my batches from the creation of the substrate to the inoculation and grow room.  To help with this, I am coming up with a naming convention for my grow outs and thought I would share it with everyone.

Rabbit Dropping tea burlap bag

Rabbit Dropping tea burlap bag

Rabbit dropping tea is a great additive to your garden’s nutrition including rich sources of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, minerals, and micronutrients.

Laurie Flew to Dallas – 5 Days of Survival

Laurie Flew to Dallas – 5 Days of Survival

So my wife Laurie went on a trip to Dallas, TX and left me at home with my two sons, Harrington and Liam, and our three dogs, Tess (Beagle Mix), Wiggles (Poodle Mix), and Jake (Australian Shepard) and I was also dog sitting Luna, my Sarah and Alyson’s dog.