by Robb | Sep 23, 2018 | Foraging
Omphalotus illudens - Jack O'lantern Mushrooms Pholiota squarrosa - Shaggy Scaly Cap Scleroderma citrinum - Common Earthball AKA: Golden Scleroderma, Pigskin poison puffball Mushroom Growing Naming Convention by Robb | September 7, 2021 | General | 1 CommentAs I...
by Robb | Sep 22, 2018 | Foraging
What are Pear-Shaped Puffball My wife spotted a few of these for the first time at Linn Run State Park. I was excited to see a new mushroom so we picked them to save in case we found out later they were edible. They are indeed edible, but… make sure you eat...
by Robb | Sep 21, 2018 | Foraging
Looking to identify Mushrooms in your area? The National Audubon Society Field Guide to Mushrooms is a great resource. I would also recommend picking up the Field Guide on trees if you are looking to become an active forager as trees are a great indicator of what...
by Robb | Sep 20, 2018 | Foraging
Staghorn Sumac – No, its not Poisonous Growing up, we were told this was Poison Sumac. Turns out, this is Staghorn Sumac and practically the entire plant is editable (or at least, useful) in some form or another! We are lucky enough to have 4 or 5 of these...
by Robb | Sep 19, 2018 | Foraging
What are Wild Oyster Mushrooms? We live in western Pennsylvania and were just turned on to wild Oyster Mushrooms this year by our friend, Tara Hassler. These mushrooms are super tasty, very good for you and really grow around PA in an abundance. If you are not...
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